PSP Tutorial Index



For this tutorial you will need:

PSP 30 day trial version
(Extract the preset to your Blade Pro or Super Blade Pro - environments and textures folder)
Xero set 2
Blade Pro or Super Blade Pro

Remember to save often.

1. Extract the images and open them in PSP. Minimize the image named handhold.jpg and activate the other, called md_angel1.jpg. Shift + D to make a copy and close the original.

2. Colors - Colorize: Hue 26, Saturation 65.
(for psp8 go to adjust --> hue and saturation --> colorize)

3. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Xero - Serious Fog using these settings:

- Severity: 120
- Whiteout: 50

4. Add a new layer and go to Masks - New - From Image - Add Mask From Image:
(psp8 users go to
Layers--> New Mask Layer --> From Image) in the Source window, select handhold.jpg, Source luminance checked, Invert mask data checked. Click Ok. Add a new raster layer and move it under the mask layer then Flood fill the new layer with #FDF5E9. Masks - Delete, and answer yes to the window that pops up.

5. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: Vertical 0, Horizontal 7, Opacity 100, Blur 9.9, color #7C705E.

6. Foreground set to Jasc's Old Paper pattern, scale 100, angle 0. Background set to color black. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 10. Select the border with your magic wand (tolerance 0, feather 0).
(psp8 users use the black color for the border)

7. Flood fill with the pattern. Change your flood fill options with the following
Match mode - None
Tolerance - 200
Blend mode - color
Opacity - 100

Flood fill with #FDF5E9. Colors - Adjust - Gamma Correction: 1.50.

8. Selections - Invert. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Blade Pro (or Super Blade Pro): cutout.q9q.

9. Set your flood fill options to Normal and Sample merged unchecked. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 25. Select the border with your magic wand (tolerance 0, feather 0).

10. Repeat steps 7 and 8. Do not deselect.

11. Selections - modify - expand 10 pixels

12. Selections - invert. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Blade Pro (or Super Blade Pro): cutout.q9q. Deselect.

Add any ornamental touches you want and you are done. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.


All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained. Any likeness to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

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