PSP Tutorial Index


This tutorial will work with almost any image I decided to use a cartoon doll as they seem popular. This tutorial is written for PSP7 but can be used in any version. There are no extra needed tools other the PSP and Animation Shop that comes with the PSP Program.
First thing to do Open a doll image if you want this image transparent do so before starting this procedure.
Ready? Set. GO!
With the image open increase the viewing area so that you can see the individual pixels  (see image to right)

grab your color dropper and choose one of the colors of the eyeshadow that the doll is wearing click it and it now becomes your foreground color. go to your paintbrush and with the settings (see image to the right) fill in the eye area.

Now grab your color dropper again and click on the black color in the other eye set this as your foreground color.  back to you paintbrush with the same settings as above and fill in the bottom line of the eye (the one we are making to blink). (see image to the right)

Save image with a new name in gif format. I used blink2. If your original image is not already a gif image open it again and choose save as name it something different (I chose blink1) and save with the gif format.
Now open animation shop I am using  Version 3.04 Go to file/animation wizard. in the first pop up click same size as first image frame then next. Now choose transparent and next.  in the next window pick centered and with canvas color and next. In the following window click repeat animation indefinitely (you can leave the speed 15 for now we can adjust later) click next.  in the last window is where you will add your images. click the button named add image sift thru your folders till you find your 2 files that you created (mine were blink1 and blink2) you can hold in the ctrl key to open multiple files at the same time. once you have them all click open. Now your files are listed in the white text box. if they are out of sequence click on the first image (mine was blink1) and click move up this will move the file up one spot so that it will be the first frame. when you have your files where they need to be click Next then Finish.
(see image)

Now you have your frames first thing I do is go to view then animation and see how fast the eyes are blinking. in this case they are blinking way to fast looks like she has an epilepsy j/k .. anyways click on the first frame so that you have a blue line around it (see image)


now go to animation/frame properties and there you can increase the duration of the frame speed. the higher the number the slower the frame is (or the longer the frame is seen) you will have to play around with this I ended up with 35 now view the animation again by clicking View/animation for mine images it still doesn't look right so I exit off that and click on frame 2 to make it the active image and again go to animation /frame properties and increase the number. Mine I set at 60. Be sure to view the animation and play with the numbers until you get what you think looks best for your particular image.  once satisfied go to save as and name the file (I named mine blinkdoll) keep the gif format and hit save ( I have mine set with default and to use them every time if this is your first time saving an image or you haven't selected to save files the same way you will need to select the options that you see fit for the image.


I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.



All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained. Any likeness to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

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