PSP Tutorial Index

Please note there is no adult content on this page this is just the image I happened to use


This tutorial was written on July 25th 2004 by noneya99 all content graphics and misspellings are my own. This tutorial may NOT be reproduced or published in any way  shape or form. If you want to include this tutorial in mailings or groups you must obtain my expressed permission to do so email Noneya99 with your request your sites address and any other information you feel is necessary.


For this tutorial you will need the following

A version of PSP, I am using Version 7.
You will need a version of Animation Shop (comes standard with PSP) I am using Version 3.04

You will also need to have your image already made I'm not providing detailed instructions for it.


- Step 1 -

open a new image and make whatever you want .. I'm going to be using my own little easy image here. I made a new 250x100 72 dpi trans background. flood fill with black create a new layer add my tube size it to fit then add another new layer add my text and any effects. merge all layers visible. go to selections --> select all then to selections --> modify --> contract --> 4 pixels then back to selections --> invert 

- Step 2 -

in your foreground select the color you are wanting your blinks to be (mine is a pink color - #EE8CA9) now in your background color use white or a color that is contrast to your background color (no it won't stay that way but will be easy to see while doing the blinks) Now grab your paint brush set the size to what ever you contracted by (so mine is 4) now increase your viewing area so you can see what we are doing.

- Step 3 -

Start in top left corner and alternate your colors by left click then move over and right click and so on

- Step 4 -

 when you get to the far end depending on your image size you may be a little off you can do one of two things either start over and crop your image down a few pixels (do you really want to do all that over again??) well I don't want to so I just improvise. I just keep going until it gets to the end and if it smaller oh well     

- Step 5 -

 then I keep moving on down and around till I'm back where I started.

- Step 6 -

ok now invert your foreground and background colors so you have the white on top and the pink on bottom .. change the white to black (or your background color)  and then go back to all the white spots and fill then in with black (or your background color)

- Step 7 -

when you are done and all the white squares are gone click save as and name it something and keep your .psp extension. (just in case you didn't do this in the beginning like I said Merge your layers visible)   now back to your image and start putting the opposite color down so where all pinks are put black and where all blacks are put pink (or your colors)  I highly recommend that you DO NOT do all the same color at one time other wise you're gonna screw yourself up. alternate them like we did to start with. You will notice that you have a double color each time this helps with placement of your brush

- Step 8 -

now that you are done save as again only this time name it something else (I usually put numbers with my images for animations keeps them in order esp. when you are doing very large animations that require many frames) save in psp format.  

Now open animation shop go to file --> animation wizard  
  • 1st window - click "same size as the first image frame" --> next
  • 2nd window - click "transparent" --> next
  • 3rd window - click "upper left corner of the frame " ,  "with canvas color" & "scale frames to fit" ---> next
  • 4th window - click "yes repeat indefinitely"  set frame speed to 20 (to start off with you can change it if its too mast or too slow)  ---> next
  • 5th window - click "add images" find your files that you made and open them *tip if you hold in the control key while clicking you can open several images at once .. saves time* --> next
  • 6th window - click finish  

Now click view --> animation   

If it is blinking too slow (that you can actually tell the frames are just flipping and not give the appearance of moving around the image) or if it blinks so fast that you feel you are in danger of having seizures close out the view animation window and click the frame speed of the 2 frames .. if you hold control and click each frame you will see a blue border around them  .. this indicates they are active frames, now right click and go to frame properties in the pop up window change the speed  just remember the higher the number the slower the speed of the animation and the smaller the number the faster it moves.  (the number represents the amount of time each frame is viewed before changing to the next frame so in my case (I stayed with 20 so I wouldn't go into seizures) each frame is showed for 20/100ths of  a second before flipping to the next frame.  


This is my finished product.  
Not to shabby if I do say so myself  

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.



All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained. Any likeness to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

© Copyright 2004, Mystical Designs
Site designed and maintained by McBride Designs