PSP Tutorial Index

For this tutorial you will need:

PSP8. Download a trial version here
Supplies here

 Extract the md_lord.PspGradient to My Documents/My Psp8 Files/Gradients Folder.

PSP7 users: Extract the md_lord.jgd file to your PSP Gradients folder.
Extract the md_lord_temp.pspimage file to a folder of your choice.
Extract the LordFiddle.psp to a folder of your choice.
Extract the font to the folder where you put your fonts.
Note: When you open the file md_lord_temp.pspimage, won't see images, this file contains the selections that we will begin to use.
Remember to save often.

1. Open the md_lord_temp.pspimage provided. Shift + D to make a copy and close the original. Flood fill with the cmv_068v001 gradient, Style Linear, Angle 0, Repeats 0, Invert unchecked. Name this layer: "1".

2. Open the LordFiddle.psp. Edit - Copy (Ctrl + C). On your working area: Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer (Ctrl + L). Rename it: "2". Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius 30.

3. Effects - Texture Effects - Texture, with these settings: color is #caa689



Place the image to the right with the Move Tool. Layers - Duplicate. Name the duplicated layer: "3". Image - Mirror.


4. Add a new layer and name it "4". Selections - Load / Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel -
Selection #1. Flood fill with the same gradient used in step 2, same settings as before. Effects - Plugins -
Flaming Pear - Super Blade Pro - clear glass.q5q. Selections - Select None (Ctrl + D). Effects - 3D Effects -
Drop Shadow: Vertical and Horizontal 3, Opacity 50, Blur 3, Color Black.

5. Add a new layer. Name it "5". Selections - Load / Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel -
Selection #2. Flood fill with #6A3D34. Deselect (Ctrl + D). Repeat the same Drop Shadow.

6. Hide all layers except "4" and "5". Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.

7. Layers - Duplicate. Image - Mirror.

8. Activate the LordFiddle.psp. Edit - Copy (Ctrl + C). On the working area: Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer. Effects -
3D Effects - Drop Shadow: Vertical 0, Horizontal -30, Opacity40, Blur 25, Color #F2D6A3.

9. Set your Foreground to Gradient and locate gold, Style Linear, Angle 45, Repeats 0, Invert unchecked. Set
your Background to Gradient and locate cmv_068v001, Style Linear, Angle 0, Repeats 0, Invert unchecked. Add
a new vector layer. Grab the Text Tool, with these settings:

Type your text and place it. Image - Rotate (Ctrl + R) - 90 Degrees - Left (all layers unchecked). Objects - Align
- Vert. Center in Canvas.

Layers - Convert to Raster layer. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: Vertical and Horizontal 3, Opacity 50,
Blur 3, Color Black. Merge Visible.

10. Image - Add Borders - 1 pixel, Symmetric checked, color black.

11. Image - Add Borders - 4 pixels, Symmetric checked, color white. Click on the border with the Magic Wand, same settings as before, and Flood Fill with the gold. Select None.

12. Image - Add Borders - 1 pixel, Symmetric checked, color black.

13. Image - Add Borders - 4 pixels, Symmetric checked, color white. Click on the border with the Magic Wand, same settings as before, and Flood Fill with Color #6A3D34. Select None.

14. Image - Add Borders - 1 pixel, Symmetric checked, color black.


You are done. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained. Any likeness to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

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Site designed and maintained by McBride Designs