Corona Frame
Corona Frame - Sample
Artwork ©Linda Bergkvist


For this tutorial you will need:

PSP 30 day trial version here
Supplies here
Ulead Effects Art Texture here
Eye Candy 4000 here
Xeroset 1 here
Fantastic Machines Paint Engine here
Simple Filter here

Extract the S018BI preset to your PSP-presets folder.
Extract the S01801 preset to Eye Candy 4000 - Corona folder.

1. Open an image of your choice or use mine.

2. Selections - Select all. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel: S018BI preset.

3. Set your background colour to white. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 2. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects Art Texture: Palette 30, Pattern sample 3, Pattern template 1 and 2.

4. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Eye Candy 4000 - Corona: S01801 preset.

5. Selections - Invert. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Xero - Mistifier (default settings).

6. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Eye Candy 4000 - Cutout - Matte Cut, colour #4C3811.

7. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 5. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects Art Texture: Palette 5, Pattern sample 3.

8. Repeat step 3.

9. Choose a colour of your image and set it as your background colour. Mine is #FFF4D8. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 15. Select the border with your magic wand.

10. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Simple - Centre Tile.

11. Effects - Reflection Effects - Rotating Mirror, using these settings:

Screen Capture 1

12. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Simple - 4 Way Average.

13. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Xero - Mistifier (default settings).

14. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel: S017BI preset.

15. Selections - Select all - Selections - Modify - Contract by 22 - Selections - Invert. Effects - Geometric Effects - Punch, with these settings:

Screen Capture 2

16. Background colour white. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 2. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects Art Texture: Palette 5, Pattern sample 3.

17. Background colour #FFF4D8 or the colour you chose in step 9. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 25. Select the border with your magic wand.

18. Repeat steps 10, 11, 12 and 13.

19. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Fantastic Machines - Paint Engine - Faded Mosaic.

20. Selections - Invert. Repeat step 4.

21. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: Vertical and Horizontal 3, Opacity 90, Blur 50, colour #4C3811. Repeat Drop Shadow changing Vertical and Horizontal to -3.

22. Repeat step 16.

23. Image - Add borders - Symetric - 10. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects Art Texture: Palette 30, Pattern sample 3, Pattern template 1 and 2.

24. Repeat step 6.

25. Repeat step 16.

26. Repeat steps 17, 18 y 19.

27. Repeat step 14.

If you want to add corners:

1. Open the S018C.psp file provided with this tutorial. Edit - Copy. On your main image: Edit - Paste - As a new layer. Place the corner with your mover tool.

2. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects Art Texture: Palette 5, Pattern sample 3, Pattern template 1 and 2.

3. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: Vertical and Horizontal 0, Opacity 90, Blur 3, colour black.

4. Layers - Duplicate - Image - Mirror.

5. Layers - Duplicate - Image - Flip.

6. Layers - Duplicate - Image - Mirror.

 You are done. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.