Extract the md_music_grad.PspGradient
to your Gradients Folder.
1. Open a new image 600 x 600 pixels,
transparent background.2.
Set your Foreground to Gradient and locate md_music_grad,
Style Linear 0, Angle 45, Repeats 0, Invert unchecked.
Flood fill with the gradient. Name this layer: "1".
3. Add a new layer, Name it "2".
Set your Foreground Color #F5F3EA. Flood fill with Color.
4. Layers, Load /Save Mask, Load
Mask from Disk, Load:

Layers, Delete. Layers - Merge -
Merge Group.
5. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop
Shadow: Vertical 3, Horizontal -3, Opacity 70, Blur 4,
Color #808080. Place with the Move Tool:

7. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur,
Radius: 40.8. Selections,
Ctrl. + A (Select All) - Ctrl. + F (Float) - Ctrl. Shift
+ F (Defloat).
9. Effects - Plugins - Xero -
Fritillary - Settings:

10. Layers - Arrange - Move Down.
Select None.
11. Highlight the top layer. Open
the crisortega.psp file provided,
Ctrl. + C (Copy), On your working area, Ctrl + L (Edit -
Paste - Paste As New Layer). Place with the Move Tool, On
the Layer Palette, Set Opacity to 24 %. Name it "4". Merge
12. Set your Foreground to
Gradient and locate a gold gradient, Style Linear 0, Angle 0,
Repeats 0, Invert unchecked. Set your Background to
Gradient and locate md_music_grad, Style Linear 0, Angle 0,
Repeats 0, Invert unchecked. Text Tool with these

Type your text and place it. When
you are satisfied with your result, convert to Raster
Layer. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: Vertical 3,
Horizontal -3, Opacity 70, Blur 4, Color #404040.
13. Merge Visible - Resize your
image to 468x468 Pixels, Image - Add Borders - 1 pixel,
Symmetric checked, color black.
14. Image - Add Borders - 3 pixel,
Symmetric checked, color white. Click on the border with
the Magic Wand (Tolerance and Feather 0, Inside checked)
and Flood Fill with a gold gradient, angle 45 -
Repeats 1 - Invert unchecked. Select None.
15. Image - Add Borders - 1 pixel,
Symmetric checked, color black.
16. Image - Add Borders - 10
pixel, Symmetric checked, color white. Click on the border
with the Magic Wand and Flood Fill with the md_music_grad
angle 135 - Repeats 1 - Invert unchecked. Select None.
17. Repeat step 15.
18. Repeat step 14.
19. Repeat step 15
I hope you have enjoyed this