PSP Tutorial Index


Artwork ©Linda Bergkvist

For this tutorial you will need:

PSP 30 day trial version
Flaming Pear's Designer Sextet - Silver 1.0 demo version
Simple Filter
Ulead Art Texture
FM Tile Tools
Eye Candy 4000

1. Open the image. Shift + D twice to make two copies and close the original.

2. On the first copy: Effects - Plug-Ins - Flaming Pear - Silver using these settings:

3. Effects - Plug-Ins - Simple - Quick Tile.

4. Effects - Plug-Ins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss using the default settings.

5. Right click on the layer palette and promote to layer. Minimize this copy.

6. On the second copy: Image - Resize to 70% as bicubic resample..

7. Selections - Select all. Effects - 3D effects - Inner Bevel with these settings:

Bevel: Round
Width: 6
Smoothness: 42
Depth: 2
Ambience: 2
Shininess: 9
Light Colour: white
Angle: 315
Intensity: 66
Elevation: 22

8. Set your background color to white. Image - Add borders - 3 - Symmetric checked. Select it with your magic wand.

9. Effects - Plug-Ins - Ulead Art Texture. Edit - Palette 5. Pattern sample - the third one.

10. Choose a color from the image and set it as foreground color. I used #63545D. Change your flood fill options as the following screen shot:

Flood fill the border.

11. Selections - Invert. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Eye Candy 4000 - Cutout - Matte Cut, color black. Deselect.

12. Choose another color of the image and set it as background color. I used #8CA6BA. Image - Add borders - 5 - Symetric checked.

13. Repeat steps 8, 9, 10 and 11.

14. Edit - Copy. Edit - Paste as a new layer on the first copy.

15. Selections - Select all - Selections - Float. Highlight layer 1 and hit delete. Deselect. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel using the same settings as in step 7.

16. Layers - Merge - Merge all (flatten).

17. Set your background to a color that's not in your image. I used #FF00FF. Image - Add borders - 3 - Symetric checked. Select it with your magic wand. Flood fill with white.

18. Repeat steps 9, 10 and 11.

19. Open the Corner.psp file provided with this tutorial. Edit - Copy. Go to your framed image: Edit - Paste as a new layer. Place the corner using your mover tool. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow: Vertical and Horizontal 0, Opacity
100, Blur 4.9, color black. Sharpen - Sharpen

20. Layers - Duplicate. Image - Flip - Image - Mirror.

21. Layers - Merge - Merge all (flatten).

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.


All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained. Any likeness to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

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