PSP Tutorial Index

Noneya's Sparkle Tutorial

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For this tutorial you will need the following a version of PSP, I am using Version 7.

You will need a version of Animation Shop (comes standard with PSP) I am using Version 3.04

A sparkle Tube if you do not have one you can use mine. Sparkle Tube when you unzip this file place it in your tubes folder (C:\Program Files\Jasc Software\Paint Shop Pro\Tubes)

Step 1: have the image you are wanting to add a sparkle to open and ready to go in PSP (any version -I use PSP7)


Step 2: Choose your Sparkle Tube from your list (you can use my file and directions at top) depending on the size of your image set your scale accordingly for mine I am using the scale at 100.

Step 3: When placing your tube on your image note the exact coordinates when you click they are located in the bottom left of the screen (for my image it is 78,114

Step 4: Now save your image (you should only have one layer but just in case go to layers/merge all visible). Save the image as sparkle1.gif.


Step 5: Go to edit/command history and undo your picture tube so that you are back to the plain image again.


Step 6: Now go to your tube and open the tool options and change your scale to a smaller number for my image i used 75. Find your Coordinates again (this may take a few secs and a steady hand the numbers have to be exact for this to look good) once you have your exact coordinates (mine are 78,114) click to add the tube again.



Step 7: Save the image as sparkle2.gif  

*repeat steps 5-7 except in step 6 change the scale size down a little more for mine I used 50 and in step 7 save the image as sparkle3.gif


Step 8: Now that we have all our images Open animation shop and go to file animation wizard skipping thru the first few screens till you get to add images. Find your 3 sparkle images that you just made and add them arranging them as I have mine then add the middle (for me it is sparkle2.gif) at the bottom again like I have.


Step 9: You should now have 4 frames go to view/animation and see how fast it is blinking. (mine seems good with a frame duration of 15) if you are not satisfied with your speed then close the view animation and highlight (so there is a blue border around each) each of your frames and go to animation/frame properties and either increase  the number to slow down the speed or decrease the number to speed the animation up.


Step 10: once you have the speed the way you want click save  choose your settings and save as a gif and Viola You have a blinking sparkle fading in and out.



I hope you have enjoyed creating this animation as much as I had writing it.
All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained . If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

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