PSP Tutorial Index



For this tutorial you will need:

PSP 7 or 8. Download a trial version

Toadies here

Supplies here

PSP 7 Users Selections here


Extract the gradient (md_spring_grad) to your Gradients folder

Extract the selection folder (md_spring_sel) to your Selections folder


1. Open a new image 600 x 450 pixels, transparent background - Name this Layer Background.

2. Set your Foreground to Gradient and locate md_spring_grad Style Linear, Angle 180, Repeats 0.

3. Add a New Raster Layer - Name this Layer: Rectangle 1.

4. Selections - Load/Save Selection from disk - Load Selection front Disk - Select md_spring_sel1 - Flood Fill with the same gradient.

5. Effects - Plugins - Toadies - *Sucking Toad* - Bevel I - Settings:

6. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow - Settings:

Deselect  (Ctrl. + D).

7. Add a New Raster Layer - Name this Layer: Rectangle 2.

8. Selection - Load/Save Selection front disk - Load Selection from Disk - Select md_spring_sel2 - Flood Fill with the same gradient.

9. Repeat step 5.

10. Repeat step 6.

Press Ctrl. + D (Select None).

11. Add a New Raster Layer - Name this Layer: Rectangle 3.

12. Selection - Load/Save Selection from disk - Load Selection from Disk - Select md_spring_sel3 - Flood Fill with the same gradient.

13. Repeat step 5.

14. Repeat step 6.

Press Ctrl. + D (Select None).

15. Add a New Raster Layer - Name this Layer: Rectangle 4.

16. Selection - Load/Save Selection from disk - Load Selection from Disk - Select md_spring_sel4 - Flood Fill with the same gradient.

17. Repeat step 5.

18. Repeat step 6.

19. Open the md_spring_angel image - Shift+D and close the original - Copy and Paste as New Layer - Name this Layer: tube 1.

20. Repeat step 6.

21. Open the md_spring_flower image - Shift+D and close the original - Copy and Paste as New Layer - Name this Layer: tube 2 - Duplicate - Name this Layer: tube 3.

22. Place the images with your Move Tool.

23. Hide All.

24. Background Transparent (null) - Foreground #FFFFFF - Add a New Vector Layer - Name this Layer: Font 1 - Go to Text Tool - Vector - Select Font: Plump MP - Size: 68 - Stroke: 2.

25. Type your Text - Objects - Align - Horz. Center in Canvas - Convert to Raster Layer.

26. Magic Wand - Settings:

27. Select the interior of the Text (hold down shift key wile selecting in order to select multiple letters)

28. Add a New Raster Layer - Selections - Modify - Expand: 2.

29. Open Pattern md_spring_patfil.jpg.

30. Set your Foreground to Pattern and locate md_spring_patfil.jpg - Scale: 100 Angle 0 - Flood Fill with the pattern - Lower the Opacity of this Layer to: 40% - Name this Layer: Font 2.

31. Highlight Font 1 - Selections - Modify - Expand: 2.

32. Effects - Texture Effects - Sculpture - Presets Gold - Setting:

Press Ctrl. + D (Select None) - Merge Visible.

33. Layers view All - Select Layer Background - Set your Foreground to Gradient and locate md_spring_grad Style Linear, Angle 180, Repeats 0.

34. Merge Visible.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.


All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained. Any likeness to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

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Site designed and maintained by McBride Designs