PSP Tutorial Index



Artwork ©Cris Ortega

For this tutorial you will need:

PSP 30 day trial version
Supplies Here
Ulead Effects Art Texture
Greg's Factory Output Vol. II
Simple Filter
An image of your choice

Remember to save often.

1. Open your image. Shift + D to make a copy and close the original.

2. Set your background colour to white and go to Image - Add borders - Symetric: 2. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects - Art Texture: Palette-5, Pattern sample 3.

3. Selections - Invert. Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout: Vertical and Horizontal 0, Opacity 80, Blur 25, colour black. Deselect.

4. Background colour white. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 10. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Greg's Factory Output Vol. II - Waffle, using these settings:

5. Repeat step 2.

6. Selections - Select all - Selections - Modify - Contract by 12 - Selections - Invert. Effects - Geometric Effects - Punch with these settings:

7. Repeat step 2.

8. Background colour white. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 15. Select the border with your magic wand.

9. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Simple - Diamonds.

10. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Simple - Pizza Slice Mirror.

11. Effects - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius 15.

12. Effects - 3D Effects - Chisel, using these settings:

13. Repeat step 2.

14. Choose a colour of your image and set it as your background colour. Mine is #9ea4be. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 10. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel - md_pre_waffle preset.

15. Background colour white. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 4. Select the border with your magic wand. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects - Art Texture, same settings as in step 2.

16. Background colour white. Image - Add borders - Symetric: 20. Select the border with your magic wand.

17. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Simple - Diamonds.

18. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Simple - Pizza Slice Mirror.

19. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Simple - Diamonds.

20. Effects - Artistic Effects - Topography, with these settings:

21. Repeat step 12.

22. Repeat step 2.

23. Selections - Select all - Selections - Modify - Contract by 22 - Selections - Invert. Effects - Geometric Effects - Punch, same settings as before.

24. Repeat step 2.

25. Repeat step 12.

26. Resize your image and you are done.

If you want to add corners:

1. Open the
md_waffle_corner.psp file provided with this tutorial. Edit - Copy. On your main image: Edit - Paste - As a new layer. Place it with your mover tool.

2. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Ulead Effects - Art Texture: Palette-5, Pattern sample 3.

3. Effects - Plug-Ins Filters - Greg's Factory Output Vol. II - Waffle, same settings as before.

4. Duplicate this layer and go to Image - Flip and then to Image - Mirror.



All info on this page and contained in this tutorial was created solely by Noneya99 and therefore is the sole property of Noneya99 it is not to be included in any other tutorials unless written permission is obtained. Any likeness to another tutorial is purely coincidental.  If you would like to include or display this tutorial please email Noneya99 with your request be sure to include what type of site and site address it will be displayed on.

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Site designed and maintained by McBride Designs