PSP Tutorial Index

Lesson 1 Quiz


  1. What does HTML stand for.


  1. Every HTML document starts with the HTML language identifier <html>, What is the next tag of an HTML document?


  1. Suppose the title for your web page was “When Animals go Mad”. How would you write this title in your code be sure to use both the opening and closing commands.


  1. The actual content goes between what two HTML tags?


  1. Why is it risky to use the extension .htm rather then the .html?


  1. HTML tags can have modifiers that help control the elements of a web page.  What is the first part of this tag modifier called?


  1. What is the second part called?


  1. What symbol connects the parts of the tag modifier?


  1. In this Lesson I showed you one way that a modifier can be used to control layout. Name another way that was referenced on how these modifiers can help control things.


  1.  What should the very first page you create for your website be named? And why?


  1. What two ways are there to make a break in your content to make it jump to the next line or several lines? Tell the actual command tags and what each does.



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