What is HTML? – HTML is
an acronym for HyperText Markup Language. Or plainly put
HTML is a set of various instructions that tell a viewers
web browser how to display the content of the page.
The actual HTML codes
are not visible to the “naked” eye they are hidden within
the page’s source code. So what are HTML files? Nothing more
then glorified text files saved in a certain format that the
web browser reads to be a “Web Page”
A lot of the codes I’m
sure you are familiar with they are just shortened and
hidden in tags. If you have done any work with an email
document, a word or works, document or even posting in the
MSN groups you are more familiar with the codes then you
realize. But just so no one is left out we will begin with
the basics and progress forward.
Every web page has
certain “commands” that it has to have and almost every
command has to be closed at one point or another.
I “Hard Code” all my
pages in notepad. This is the way I learned and is the way I
feel the most comfortable. I do use editors (also called
WYSIWYG – ‘What you see is what you get’) but usually only
for minor adjustments and quick updates. Please feel free to
work with any editor that you want to use. I feel though
that if you learn what all the codes are and how and when to
use them you will become a far more better web page designer
then those who just use the editors and never really know
what they are doing. So anyways there are a few things you
need to do before even typing a lick of code. I will be
referring to Notepad (and for MAC users you can use
SimpleText) both of which come standard on all window and
Mac platforms.
First you need to
decide what kind of web site you are wanting to build?
Whether it is a personal site for your family, or a
collection of your favorite graphics, or for these sets of
tutorials you can even create a website for a fictitious
company with fake products and even faker employees. Please
keep in mind that the goal of this course is to come out
with a finished complete website so bare in mind that you
should know a little about what it is you are building a
website for so you do not have to do a lot of research
before hand.
Second once you have
your “idea” picked out think about a color scheme however
that will not come for a few more lessons.
Lastly you will need to
find either a free web host to store and view you files or
purchase an affordable web host, either way you decide to go
please check out the hosting page.
Now that wasn’t so hard
was it??
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